Know Before You Go
Karaoke Commandments
For a Successful Karaoke Night, Heed These Rules
01. Thou Shall Wait Patiently.
The KJ has enough to manage without your pestering. First come, first served. Wait your turn, like everyone else.
02. Thou Shalt Not Walk in front of the Stage.
It is extremely rude and distracting. If you must approach the KJ, walk around and avoide the stage, or wait between singers to submit your song.
03. Thou Shalt Not Be Louder Than the Singer.
Both loud singing and shouting conversations are unacceptable. Singing along is permissible; singing louder than the performer is just rude. If you must carry on a conversation, move to the back so as to not compete with the singer. Show some respect and let them have their moment; you’ll appreciate the courtesy when it’s your turn.
04. Thou Shalt Not Get On Stage.
You can dance near the stage, but under no circumstances shall you invade the space of the performer currently on stage. This goes for backup singing, too—do not step foot on the stage unless you are invited.
05. Thou Shalt Not Judge.
No jeering, heckling, booing, harassing, or otherwise interrupting the singer. No eye-rolling, snide comments, or talking over their performance. It’s not only bad manners, but it’s only a matter of time before you are up there, facing the crowd—these people are your future audience: pay it forward, be polite and supportive.
See 5 More06. Thou Shalt Not Gripe.
So someone sang the song you were going to sing—it happens. The KJ should let you know if someone has already chosen that song and you should be prepared with an alternate choice.
07. Thou Shall Support the Establishment.
Thou shall not go to karaoke and just drink water. Support your local karaoke bar, who is paying for the entertainment. Have a drink or two, just don’t overdo it. Getting on stage wasted is a recipe for disaster (and a guaranteed embarrassing FB video.)
08. Thou Shall Respect the Microphone.
The equipment is very expensive—please use care when handling the microphone. Don’t swing it around, don’t slobber all over it, and for goodness sake, never “drop the mic” – not cool, yo!
09. Thou Shall Choose a Short Song.
Remember how impatient you were for your turn? Let’s keep it reasonable so that everyone gets a turn. And, bear in mind, your audience has the attention span of a goldfish: no one is gonna sit through all 10 verses of American Pie.
10. Thou Shall Applaud.
Anyone who has the nerve to get up there and sing deserves to be applauded. It doesn’t matter how well or how poorly you think they performed, we’re all here to have a good time.

It's Your Night to Shine
Rising Star Entertainment
Check out the videos, above—people love to sing karaoke! Looking to liven up the evening, bring in more cash flow on a consistent basis, and build a regular customer base? Adding a regular karaoke night is an excellent way to accomplish that!
If you’re serious about increasing business, Kelley has proven that introducing a fun karaoke night for your customers works!

Kelley performs her parody of Adele’s “Hello” which she wrote,
customized just for The Hideaway, one of her weekly karaoke gigs.